Throat Chakra T-Shirt

Throat Chakra T-Shirt


Visual Reiki - From IMPROVED HEALING
Calm, Confident, Self Empowerment

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Our Throat Chakra T-Shirt carries the healing energy of Reiki.  The image has been charged for distance healing. And each of these shirts has been hand charged as well.  Thus the wearer benefits. And those whom the wearer encounters while wearing our “T” benefit from the healing love with which it resonates.

Reike (Rei - meaning Universal Life in Japanese and Ki - meaning force or energy) is a Japanese tradition whereby the practitioner learns to gather, use, and direct the Universal Life Force that animates and motivates humans and all form.  It is the underlying “spark” to all life. Mary S. Wallis, L.Ac. and Energy Medicine Practitioner in the Japanese styles of Kototama/Inochi Medicine and Usui Reiki, has been studying and practicing since 1989.

Our shirt also carries the energy of the Throat Chakra.  That vibration, so the Masters say, links with the Etheric Heart Self and relates to the thyroid and parathyroid.  Said to be the “seat of the Will”, it works through anger, hostility, resentment, frustration, & stress. When this Chakra is in balance, clear communication freely flows.  It promotes inner security, calmness, a sense of well being, self confidence, creativity, and relieves nervousness. Also said to balance Blood Pressure, stimulate energy flow, aid calcium absorption, and improve metabolism aiding in weight control.

Made of 100% organic cotton for the wearer’s maximum comfort.  William Wallis created an art glass rendition of the Throat Chakra which is the stylized image the shirt proudly displays.  The Reiki charge lasts the life of the shirt and does not wash out nor does it need re-charging.

So take the plunge!  And Wear the love while sharing the love.

Thank you for your support!