5 steps to becoming a Certified Instructor:
1. Private Sessions
It is a pre-requisite that a student wanting to enroll in a Pre-Training Course take at least 10 private or group GYROTONIC® classes taught by a Licensed GYROTONIC® Instructor. Pricing
2. Pre-Training
Pre-Training takes a minimum of 24 hours total instruction. This is usually broken up into two weekends of 12 hours each. Designed to ensure you have a strong understanding of the system in your own body before learning how to teach it to others. Pre-Training must be taught by a Master Trainer or an Authorized Pre-Trainer. Training Fee: $850 + Studio Fee (tbd)
3. Foundation Training
An intensive, 9-day/45-hour Foundation Training course conducted by a Master Trainer. Upon successful completion you are issued a Certificate of Apprenticeship and you can begin providing instruction to clients. Training Fee: $1500 + Studio Fee (tbd)
4. Apprenticeship Period
As a GYROTONIC® Apprentice, you have 6-12 months to log 40 hours of teaching clients and 15 hours of Supervised Apprentice Hours with a Master Trainer. This is a 30 hour supervised course in which the apprentice will hone their skills in preparation for the final certification. This is completed over one weekend. Once Apprentices have successfully completed all of the apprenticeship requirements, they can proceed to the Gyrotonic Level 1 Final Certificate Course. Course Fee: $700 + Studio Fee (tbd)
5. Final Certification
Once you have successfully completed your Apprenticeship Period, which is determined by your Master Trainer, you enroll in a final 3 day/15 hour Final Certification Course. The certification course must be taken 6 to 18 months after your foundation training. Certification Fee: $350